Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Madison

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Healthy Long-Term Vision Care

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, our experienced team of optometrists provide personalized eye care for your unique vision needs.

Comprehensive eye exams help preserve your vision and allow our team to assess your ocular health, checking for any signs of developing eye disease and visual changes. Your eye exam isn’t just for updating your eyeglasses or contact lens prescription!

Healthy vision begins with consistent habits and a healthy lifestyle, book your next eye exam with our team and preserve your long-term vision.

A Comprehensive, Holistic Vision Care Experience

An eye exam allows our team to determine your unique prescription through testing for refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia. But that’s not all!

Our approach to supporting your well-being with comprehensive care includes integrating VR technology into our comprehensive exams. This technology not only tests your vision but can also assess the overall health of your eyes.

  • Testing visual acuity and refractive errors
  • Pupil evaluations with or without dilation
  • Examination of your peripheral visual field
  • Color vision testing
  • Analysis of your visual systems
  • Examination of the external parts of the eye
  • Intraocular pressure measurements
  • Examination of the health of the entire eye

Frequency of Eye Exams

Your vision is ever-changing, so it is important to stay consistent with your eye exams. Even if you don’t have immediate vision concerns, consistent eye exams can help our team get ahead of developing vision issues.

Adult Eye Exams

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, we recommend yearly eye exams for the whole family so we can stay up-to-date with your visual development and overall health.

We may recommend a personalized exam schedule to accommodate higher-risk patients. You may need more frequent checkups to manage risk factors such as:

  • Systemic health conditions
  • Eye surgery or previous eye injuries
  • A family history of eye disease
  • Unique visual needs

As you age, vision issues can become more common, and the importance of consistent eye exams increases. Some forms of eye disease can develop without symptoms, so remaining consistent with your eye exams is crucial.

If you’re over the age of 65, it is recommended to get a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year.

Prioritizing Your Overall Health

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, our approach to vision care puts a focus on eye nutrition and proactive wellness and is closely related to your overall health. We offer comprehensive eye exams and keep our patients informed every step of the way. 

Contact us to book an appointment and schedule your comprehensive eye exam today.

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Our Location

Exterior of Sokol Eyecare

Visit Us

Sokol Advanced EyeCare is located in Madison, Wisconsin. You can find us right on the corner of Atwood Avenue & Winnebago Street. 

Sokol Advanced EyeCare

  • 2000 Atwood Ave.
  • Madison, WI 53704

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: By Appointment
  • Sunday: Closed

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