Myopia Control in Madison

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Managing Childhood Myopia

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a vision condition that makes distant objects appear blurry and often worsens from childhood through adolescence. Whether it’s in the classroom or out on the playground, clear vision can help your children excel!

Myopia can take a lifetime to manage, and we want to be a part of the process. Contact us to schedule an eye exam and set your children on the path to clear vision!

A Closer Look at Myopia

Myopia can develop gradually or rapidly. This vision condition occurs when the eye becomes too elongated, or the cornea has too much curvature, which results in light entering the eye to focus in front of the retina improperly.

Common signs and symptoms of myopia may include: 

  • The need to squint to see far away objects
  • Eye strain
  • Blurry vision when looking at distant objects
  • Headaches

Myopia can sometimes be difficult for children to manage who may not notice the symptoms at all. 

A child with myopia may: 

  • Rub their eyes frequently
  • Blink excessively
  • Squint a lot
  • Be unaware of distant objects

Consistent eye exams with our team at Sokol Advanced EyeCare are essential to monitor your children’s visual development and control the progression of myopia when it’s first detected.

Myopia Control at Sokol Advanced EyeCare

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, our goal is to help your children control the progression of myopia. Our unique approach to myopia control involves taking a look at the whole picture and considering your child’s lifestyle and overall health.

We are able to do this through comprehensive eye exams, building good eye nutrition habits, and providing myopia control solutions.

MiSight 1 day Contact Lenses

MiSight 1 day contact lenses are all about comfort and myopia correction. These soft contact lenses are clinically proven to slow the progression of myopia in children as young as 8–12 years old at the initiation of treatment.

MiSight lenses work by slowing the elongation of the eye caused by myopia to reduce the progression of myopia later in life.

Our comprehensive eye exams at Sokol Advanced EyeCare can help determine your child’s unique prescription.

Once we have determined your child’s prescription, you and your children can browse our wide variety of frames and lenses. We recognize that picking new glasses is a big deal and want to give your children several options to find the perfect pair of glasses for their unique personality!

Early Detection & Solutions

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, we prioritize early detection and solutions when approaching myopia control. Regular eye exams help our team stay up-to-date on your child’s prescription and monitor for changes.

Are your children struggling with myopia? Book an appointment with us to get myopia under control today.

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Our Location

Exterior of Sokol Eyecare

Visit Us

Sokol Advanced EyeCare is located in Madison, Wisconsin. You can find us right on the corner of Atwood Avenue & Winnebago Street. 

Sokol Advanced EyeCare

  • 2000 Atwood Ave.
  • Madison, WI 53704

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: By Appointment
  • Sunday: Closed

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