Proactive Wellness in Madison

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Our Holistic Eye Care Approach

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, we believe in a holistic approach to vision care. We maintain that your overall health goes hand-in-hand with your eye health. We look at the entire picture when it comes to your vision and offer preventative vision care and health education.

Our passionate team of eye care professionals is well versed in how your visual health and overall health are interconnected. We use our experience to provide quality modern yet traditional vision care. Our comprehensive eye exams consider your overall health in a welcoming and informative atmosphere.

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, we go above and beyond for our patients. We strive to educate on both proactive well-care as well as reactive healthcare to elevate the standard of eye care consistently.

Contact us to book an appointment and begin your vision care journey with Sokol Advanced EyeCare!

A Healthy Body & Mind

It can be easy to consider your vision separate from your overall health. At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, our unique vision care approach focuses on keeping your body and mind healthy. 

Our team is committed to your visual health and wants every opportunity to familiarize themselves with your eyes. That’s why we recommend yearly eye exams for the whole family.

Keeping Your Comfort in Mind

Eye conditions such as dry eye syndrome, myopia, and digital eye strain can do more than just affect your eyes and vision. These conditions can put a halt to your productivity and have a negative effect on your overall health.

Our approach to dry eye therapy, myopia control, and digital eye strain management combine diagnostic technology and our commitment to holistic vision care. 

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, we strive to get to the bottom of your visual issues by exploring your lifestyle habits and finding room for improvement.

Helping to Preserve Your Vision

At Sokol Advanced EyeCare, we believe in helping you achieve a sound body and mind. That means providing essential vision care services with your overall health in mind. Your visual health is more closely linked to your overall health than you may realize!

Schedule an appointment with us to get a closer look at your eyes and how they work.

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Our Location

Exterior of Sokol Eyecare

Visit Us

Sokol Advanced EyeCare is located in Madison, Wisconsin. You can find us right on the corner of Atwood Avenue & Winnebago Street. 

Sokol Advanced EyeCare

  • 2000 Atwood Ave.
  • Madison, WI 53704

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: By Appointment
  • Sunday: Closed

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